Bridging the Gap between Theory and Simulation in the Bottleneck Model

Lucas Javaudin, André de Palma

THEMA, CY Cergy Paris Université

ITEA 2024


  1. Transport Simulators: Gap to the Theory
  2. Methodology
  3. Results
  4. Large-Scale Simulations
  5. Conclusion

Transport Simulators:
Gap to the Theory

The Bottleneck Model in Simulators: Inspiration

  • Bottleneck model (Vickrey, 1969; Arnott, de Palma, Lindsey, 1990s): single-road, alpha-beta-gamma generalized cost
  • Transport simulators: tools to evaluate transport policies in large-scale scenarios
  • MATSim and METROPOLIS use bottleneck congestion: flows are limited by road capacity
  • SimMobility and METROPOLIS use alpha-beta-gamma generalized cost with departure-time choice
  • Apart from these inspirations, transport simulators are complex black boxes
  • To what extent are their results in line with theory?

Analytical Model vs Simulation

Analytical model Simulation
Population Continuum of individuals Discrete agents
Choice model Deterministic Random-utility model
Behavioral representation Continuous, implicitly-defined Piecewise-linear, numerical approximation

Attempts at Simulating the Bottleneck Model

  • Otsubo and Rapoport (2008)
    • Discrete agents and mixed-strategy equilibrium
    • "We report significant discrepancies in travel costs and distributions of departure time between the two solutions that slowly decrease as the number of commuters increases."
    • Methodology limited to very simple networks
  • Guo, Yang, Huang (2018)
    • Continuum of individuals, deterministic choice model
    • "We theoretically prove that, in the simplest standard bottleneck model [...], a dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) cannot be reached through a day-to-day evolution process of travelers’ departure rate"


  • We propose a methodology able to replicate the analytical results of the bottleneck model
  • Framework: discrete agents, random-utility model
  • Solution:
    • Continuous departure-time choice (de Palma, Ben-Akiva, Lefèvre and Litinas, 1983)
    • Continuous-time model
    • Optimal at each iteration
  • This methodology is then extended into a large-scale transport simulator: METROPOLIS2


The Bottleneck Model

  • Single-road network:
  • Travel time from $A$ to $B$ is \[ t^f + \frac{Q(t + t^f)}{s} \] with $Q$ the length of the bottleneck queue at time $t$.
  • $N$ discrete agents are traveling from Origin $A$ to Destination $B$
  • Utility ($\approx$ generalized cost) is given by \[ V(t) = -\alpha \cdot T(t) - \beta \cdot [t^* - t - T(t)]_+ - \gamma \cdot [t + T(t) - t^*]_+ \]

The Bottleneck Model: Departure-Time Choice

  • Agents choose the departure time maximizing deterministic utility (Arnott, de Palma and Lindsey, 1990): \[ t^d = \arg \max V(t) \]
  • Agents choose departure time $t$ with probability (Continuous Logit, de Palma, Ben-Akiva, Lefèvre and Litinas, 1983): \[ p(t) = \frac{e^{V(t) / \mu}}{\int_{t^0}^{t^1} e^{V(\tau)/\mu} d \tau} \]
  • Fixed-point problem: $p(t) \leftrightarrow V(t)$
  • Alternative interpretation: mixed strategy

Iterative Process

Initial conditions

Demand model

Supply model

Learning model
Stopping rule

Demand Model

  • Compute utility function from the expected travel-time function $\hat{T}$:
    \[ V(t) = -\alpha \cdot \hat{T}(t) - \beta \cdot [t^* - t - \hat{T}(t)]_+ - \gamma \cdot [t + \hat{T}(t) - t^*]_+ \]
  • Compute the departure-time probabilities from the Continuous Logit formula:
    \[ p(t) = \frac{e^{V(t) / \mu}}{\int_{t^0}^{t^1} e^{V(\tau)/\mu} d \tau} \]
  • Draw departure times using inverse transform sampling

Supply Model

  • An event-based model is used to simulate the trips of all the agents, from origin to destination
  • To simulate a bottleneck of capacity $s$ vehicles per time unit, the road outflow is blocked for $1 / s$ time units after each vehicle is crossing
  • Example: bottleneck capacity 1800 vehicles / hour ↔ closing time 2 seconds
  • FIFO: The cars exit the bottleneck in the same order that they entered it
  • Continuous time: It can work with very small or very large capacities

Learning Model

  • The travel-time function expected for the next iteration, $\hat{T}_{\kappa+1}$, depends on the simulated travel-time function, $T_\kappa$, and the expected travel-time function, $\hat{T}_\kappa$, of the current iteration.
  • Exponential smoothing method:
    \[ \hat{T}_{\kappa + 1} = \lambda T_\kappa + (1 - \lambda) \hat{T}_{\kappa} \]
    with $\lambda \in [0, 1]$, the smoothing factor.
  • An equilibrium is reached when $\hat{T}_{\kappa} = T_{\kappa}$
$\hat{T}_{\kappa + 1}$



  • $N = 100,000$ agents
  • $\alpha = 10\$ / h$, $\beta = \gamma = 5\$ / h$
  • $t^*$ = 7:30 a.m.
  • Free-flow travel time $t^f$ = 30 seconds
  • Bottleneck capacity $s = 150,000$ cars / h
  • Smoothing factor $\lambda = 0.5$

Departure rate: Iteration 1 & 2

Departure rate: Iteration 30 & 31

Convergence Video

Comparison to Analytical Results

Departure-time distribution
Travel-time function

Systematic Sampling

Systematic sampling: using evenly spaced values in $[0, 1]$ instead of random draws

Departure-time distribution
Travel-time function

Large-Scale Simulations

METROPOLIS2: Large-Scale Supply Side

  • Road network: arbitrary graph of nodes (intersections) and edges (road links)
  • Congestion: link-level bottleneck and speed-density function, queue propagation (spillback)
  • Vehicle types: headway, speed limits, road restrictions

METROPOLIS2: Large-Scale Demand Side

  • Mode choice: arbitrary number of modes (congested and uncongested)
  • Route choice: fastest route computed with a routing algorithm (Contraction hierarchies)
  • Trip chaining: arbitrary number of trips with exogenous activity duration
  • Utility function: function of travel time, departure time, arrival time

Example Application: Paris' Urban Area

Running time 18h 29m 1h 49m
RMSE departure time 2m 5s 5s
Average utility -5.58 € -5.32 €
Average travel time 16m 23s 15m 33s



  • We proposed a simulation methodology to solve some analytical models
  • The methodology can be used to solve models which are too complex to be derived analytically (e.g., toy network, heterogeneous $t^*$)
  • The methodology can be extended into a large-scale transport simulator with good convergence and small distance to equilibrium

Thank you


More information:



Impact of utility scale on convergence

Heterogeneous desired arrival times