Session 4: Equilibrium and Convergence

Lucas Javaudin

Spring 2024

Questions regarding last Session?

Plan of this Session

  1. Back to the Bottleneck Simulation
  2. Learning Model
  3. Convergence
  4. Task for Next Session

Back to the Bottleneck Simulation

Edge File

Single road with a free-flow travel time of 30 seconds and a bottleneck with capacity 150 000 cars / hour.

Vehicle-Type File

Single vehicle type: "car" with headway 1m and 1 PCE

Agents File

  • 150 000 agents
  • No alternative choice (only one alternative per agent)

Alternatives File

  • 150 000 alternatives (one per agent)
  • Departure-time choice: Continuous Logit ($\mu = 1$)
  • Utility function: \[ V(t^{\text{d}}, t^{\text{a}}) = - \alpha (t^{\text{a}} - t^{\text{d}}) - \beta [t^* - t^{\text{a}}]_+ - \gamma [t^{\text{a}} - t^*]_+ \] with $\alpha = 10 \$ / h$, $\beta = 5 \$ / h$, $\gamma = 7 \$ / h$ and $t^* =$ 7:30 a.m.

Trips File

  • 150 000 trips (one per agent / alternative)
  • Trip is a road trip from node $A$ (id 0) to node $B$ (id 1), with vehicle type "car" (id 0)


  • Simulated period: [7 a.m., 8 a.m.]
  • Interval between two breakpoints in the travel-time functions: 60s
  • Spillback is disabled
  • 100 iterations
  • Exponential learning model with $λ = 40\%$

Learning Model

METROPOLIS2 Fundamental Flow Diagram

Network Conditions

  • The network conditions consist in a travel-time function for each link and for each vehicle type
  • The travel-time functions are represented as piecewise-linear functions with a fixed interval $\delta$ between two breakpoints
  • Simulated network conditions: Network conditions observed, given some travel decisions (from the supply model).
  • Expected network conditions: Network conditions anticipated by the agents when taking travel decisions (in the demand model). They are used to compute road trips' travel times.
  • Both simulated and expected network conditions are common knowledge to all agents.

Learning Model

  • The expected network conditions for the next iteration, $\mathbf{\hat{T}}_{\kappa+1}$, depends on the simulated network conditions, $\mathbf{T}_{\kappa}$ and the expected network conditions, $\mathbf{\hat{T}}_{\kappa}$, of the current iteration.
  • At iteration $\kappa$: \[ \mathbf{\hat{T}}_{\kappa + 1} = f(\kappa, \mathbf{T}_{\kappa}, \mathbf{\hat{T}}_{\kappa}) \]
  • Exponential smoothing method: \[ f(\kappa, \mathbf{T}_\kappa, \mathbf{\hat{T}}_{\kappa}) = \frac{\lambda}{\alpha_{\kappa}} \mathbf{T}_\kappa + (1 - \lambda) \frac{\alpha_{\kappa}}{\alpha_{\kappa+1}} \mathbf{\hat{T}}_{\kappa} \] with $\lambda \in [0, 1]$, the smoothing factor.
  • With $\lambda = 1$: "naive" learning; with $\lambda = 0$: arithmetic mean.
  • Other learning functions are available and described in the documentation.



  • Goal of METROPOLIS2: Find a Nash equilibrium from the input data
  • Nash equilibrium: No agent can improve their utility given the travel decisions of the other agents
  • Informal definition: The expected network conditions when agents took their travel decisions are equal to the simulated network conditions from these travel decisions.
  • Formal definition (fixed point problem): \[ f^{\text{demand}}(f^{\text{supply}}(\bar{\mathbf{z}}; \mathbf{D}); \mathbf{D}) = \bar{\mathbf{z}} \] $\mathbf{D}$: input data; $\bar{\mathbf{z}}$: equilibrium travel decisions


  • Run METROPOLIS2 for a fixed number of iterations, then check the distance to an equilibrium
  • For exponential smoothing method: With smaller $\lambda$, convergence is slower but steadier

Indicators: Road Network Conditions

  • exp_road_network_cond_rmse: Difference between the expected road-network conditions and the simulated road-network conditions
  • Formula: \[ \text{RMSE}_\kappa^{T} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{R} \sum_{r} \frac{1}{t^1 - t^0} \int_{t^0}^{t^1} [T_{r, \kappa}(t) - \hat{T}_{r, \kappa}(t)]^2 \text{d} t}, \]
    • $T_{r, \kappa}(t)$: simulated travel time on link $r$, at time $t$, for iteration $\kappa$
    • $\hat{T}_{r, \kappa}(t)$: expected travel time on link $r$, at time $t$, for iteration $\kappa$
    • $R$: number of links
    • $[t^0, t^1]$: simulation period
  • Interpretation: Average difference in seconds between the expected and simulated travel times, over links and time

Indicators: Departure Time Shift

  • alt_dep_time_rmse: Difference between the departure times of the previous and current iteration
  • Formula: \[ \text{RMSE}_\kappa^{\text{dep}} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_n (t^{\text{d}}_{n, \kappa} - t^{\text{d}}_{n, \kappa-1})^2}, \]
    • $t^{\text{d}}_{n, \kappa}$: departure time of agent $n$, at iteration $\kappa$
    • $N$: number of agents
  • Interpretation: By how much agents shifted their departure time from one iteration to another, only including the agents who did not switched to another alternative

Indicators: Travel Time Expectation Error

  • road_trip_exp_travel_time_diff_rmse: Difference between the expected travel time and the simulated travel time
  • Formula: \[ \text{RMSE}_\kappa^{\text{expect}} = \sqrt{ \frac{1}{K^{\text{road}}} \sum_{n, k} (tt_{n, k, \kappa} - \hat{tt}_{n, k, \kappa})^2 }, \]
    • ${tt}_{n, k, \kappa}$: simulated travel time for trip $k$ of agent $n$, at iteration $\kappa$
    • $\hat{tt}_{n, k, \kappa}$: expected travel time for trip $k$ of agent $n$, at iteration $\kappa$
    • $K^{\text{road}}$: number of road trips
  • Interpretation: By how much agents mis-predicted their travel time, for their road trips
  • It measures both distance to an equilibrium and approximation errors due to the linear approximation of travel-time functions

Task for Next Session

Session 4 Task

Starting from you road network (Task of Session 2) and your population (Task of Session 3), create and run a complete simulation.
  • Define the parameters.json file
  • Add alternatives with road trips to the population files
  • Make sure that everything is compatible (origin / destination are valid road-network nodes, all routes are feasible, trips' vehicle ids are valid ids, etc.)
  • Run!