Session 2: Supply Side

Lucas Javaudin

Spring 2024

Questions regarding last Session?

Plan of this Session

  1. Getting Started with METROPOLIS2 (cont.)
  2. Congestion Modeling in METROPOLIS2
  3. Edges Input File
  4. Vehicle Types Input File
  5. Road-Network Parameters
  6. Routing
  7. OpenStreetMap Import
  8. Task for Next Session

Getting Started with METROPOLIS2


Running METROPOLIS2 (the Easy Way, on Windows)

  1. Download the last GUI version of METROPOLIS2 for Windows (tab Download on the website).
  2. Execute the .msi file and follow the procedure to install METROPOLIS2 (accept the non-existent risks if the antivirus complains).
  3. Run the METROPOLIS2 program that is now installed on your computer.
  4. Click on Browse and select your parameters.json file.
  5. Click on the Run simulation button.
  6. Check the logs and close the window when you are done.

Running METROPOLIS2 (the Hard Way)

  • Open a Command prompt / Terminal / Powershell with the working directory set to the location of the unzipped directory
  • For Windows, run:
    						.\execs\metropolis_cli.exe .\examples\data\csv\parameters.json
  • For MacOS or Linux, run:
    						./execs/metropolis_cli ./examples/data/csv/parameters.json
  • Check that the run succeeded
  • The results are stored in examples/data/csv/output/


  • Parameters (JSON)
  • Supply side:
    • Road network (Parquet or CSV)
    • Vehicle types (Parquet or CSV)
  • Demand side:
    • Agents (Parquet or CSV)
    • Travel alternatives (Parquet or CSV)
    • Trips (Parquet or CSV)
  • Optional road-network conditions (Parquet or CSV)

METROPOLIS2 Output Files

  • HTML summary
  • Aggregated results by iteration (Parquet or CSV)
  • Supply side:
    • Link-level time-dependent travel times (simulated, expected for last iteration and expected for next iteration) (Parquet or CSV)
    • OD-level time-dependent travel times (expected for last iteration) (JSON, for now)
  • Demand side:
    • Agent-level results (Parquet or CSV)
    • Trip-level results (Parquet or CSV)
    • Routes taken (Parquet or CSV)

Files Format: JSON

  • Collection of key-value pairs that can be nested indefinitely
    								"key": "value",
    								"myint": 1,
    								"myfloat": 3.6,
    								"mybool": true,
    								"myarray": [
    									0, 1, 2
    								"nested_array": [
    										"some": "value",
    										"another": "value"
    									{"second": "object"}
  • Very close to Python's dict type
  • Format used to configure the parameters of a METROPOLIS2 simulation and for some output files
  • Syntax definition:

Files Format: CSV

  • Row-oriented file format for tabular data
  • Human readable
  • Compatible with many tools and languages (including Excel!)
  • Used in METROPOLIS2 for most input and output files (comma separator only)
  • Recommended only for small-scale simulations, especially when using Excel
Example of CSV file:


Files Format: Parquet

  • Column-oriented file format for tabular data
  • Binary file (= non human-readable)
  • Built-in compression: smaller file size than CSV
  • Very fast
  • Compatible with Python (polars or pandas libraries) and R (arrow package)
  • Used in METROPOLIS2 for most input and output files
  • Recommended format for large-scale simulations and people working with R or Python

						import polars as pl

						df = pl.DataFrame(
										"agent_id": [0, 1, 2],
										"alt_choice.type": ["Deterministic", "Logit", "Logit"],
										"alt_choice.u": [0.3, 0.6, 0.5],
										"": [None, 0.9, 1.0],
										"alt_choice.constants": [[0.9, 1.3, 2.1], None, None],

						In [3]: df
						shape: (3, 5)
						│ agent_id ┆ alt_choice.type ┆ alt_choice.u ┆ ┆ alt_choice.constants │
						│ ---      ┆ ---             ┆ ---          ┆ ---           ┆ ---                  │
						│ i64      ┆ str             ┆ f64          ┆ f64           ┆ list[f64]            │
						│ 0        ┆ Deterministic   ┆ 0.3          ┆ null          ┆ [0.9, 1.3, 2.1]      │
						│ 1        ┆ Logit           ┆ 0.6          ┆ 0.9           ┆ null                 │
						│ 2        ┆ Logit           ┆ 0.5          ┆ 1.0           ┆ null                 │


For consistency and to prevent mistakes, METROPOLIS2 uses the same units for all input and output variables.

Type Unit Example
Time duration Seconds 300 (5 minutes)
Time of day Seconds after midnight 8 * 3600 = 28800 is 8 a.m.
Length Meters
Speed Meters / Second 50 / 3.6 = 13.89 m/s is 50 km/h
Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE) N/A Usually normalized to 1 for car
Flow PCE / Second 0.5 PCE/s = 1800 PCE per hour
Utility No specific unit (can be monetary units)
Value of Time Utility / Second 15 / 3600 = 0.004167 is 15 $/h

Mistakes are still possibles, be careful!

Congestion Modeling in METROPOLIS2

Sources of Congestion

METROPOLIS2 is a mesoscopic simulator with three sources of congestion:
  1. Bottleneck: the inflow and outflow of vehicles is limited at the link-level
  2. Speed-density function: the speed of vehicles depends on the density of vehicles currently on the link
  3. Queue propagation (or spillback, or horizontal queues): vehicles can enter a link only if there is some space available
Users can choose to enable only some sources of congestion.
There is no en-route choice in METROPOLIS2

Vehicle Types

METROPOLIS2 can simulate vehicle types with different:
  1. Headway length (head-to-head) → for speed-density functions and spillback evaluation
  2. PCE (Passenger Car Equivalent) → for bottlenecks
  3. Speed functions → e.g., to represent speed limits
  4. Road restrictions → allowed / forbidden links

Simplified Process

How vehicles travel through a link in METROPOLIS2?
  1. Cross the entry bottleneck if it is open, or wait until it opens
  2. Enter the link if there is some space available, or wait for some space to be available again
  3. Travel across the length of the link at a constant speed given based on the density of vehicles on the link at the entry time
  4. Cross the exit bottleneck if it is open, or wait until it opens

Full Process


  • One bottleneck at the entry and exit of each link
  • Bottlenecks can be in two states: open or closed
  • Bottlenecks are open by default and open bottlenecks can be crossed immediately
  • When a vehicle cross a bottleneck, the bottleneck gets closed for a duration \[ \text{closing time} = \frac{\text{Vehicle PCE}}{\text{Bottleneck flow}} \]
  • When a vehicle reaches a closed bottleneck, it is pushed to the back of the bottleneck queue
  • When a closed bottleneck re-opens, the vehicle at the front of the queue can cross
  • Question: bottleneck flow of 1200 PCE/h; a truck (3 PCEs) is crossing it; what is the closing time?
  • Answer: 3 / (1/3) = 9

Bottleneck: Two Roads

  • Example: Two successive roads with 1 second free-flow travel time and bottleneck flow of 0.5 and 0.25 PCE/s (closing time of 2s and 4s for 1 PCE).
  • Consider agents traveling from 1 to 3 with departure times [1, 3.5, 6]. What are the arrival times?
  • Agent 1: enters edge 2 at time 2; arrives at time 3.
  • Agent 2: reaches edge 2 at time 4.5; enters edge 2 at time 6; arrives at time 7.
  • Agent 3: reaches edge 2 at time 7; enters edge 2 at time 10; arrives at time 11.

Bottleneck: Two Roads

  • Departure times [1, 3.5, 6]
  • Arrival times [3, 7, 11]
Where exactly is Agent 3 from time 7 to time 10?


  • When traveling to the end of the link, faster moving vehicles can overtake slower vehicles
  • By default, when a vehicle is stuck at the entry of a link (entry bottleneck closed or no space available), the exit bottleneck of the previous link stays closed → vehicles upstream are also stuck
  • If enabled, the exit bottleneck of the previous link re-opens as soon as a vehicle cross (even if it is stuck downstream) → vehicles upstream can overtake the vehicle if they are going to different downstream links

Bottleneck Overtaking: Two Roads

Overtaking = TRUE
Overtaking = FALSE

Bottleneck Overtaking: Three Roads

  • Each 2 seconds, a car is starting from node 1.
  • One out of two cars is going to node 3, the other is going to node 4.
  • Bottleneck capacity is large for edges 1 and 2 but small for edge 3.

Bottleneck Overtaking: Three Roads

Overtaking = TRUE
Overtaking = FALSE

Number of Lanes

The number of lanes on a link has only two impacts:
  • The bottleneck flow of a link is multiplied by the number of lanes
  • The space available on the link is multiplied by the number of lanes (relevant for spillback only)

Speed-Density Functions

  • The speed at which a vehicle travel over the length of an edge is constant and computed using the edge's speed-density function
  • The speed-density returns the traveling speed on the edge as a function of the current density of vehicles on the edge
  • The edge's density is computed as \[ \text{density} = \frac{\sum_{\text{vehicle on the edge}}\text{headway length of vehicle}}{\text{length} \times \text{lanes}} \]
  • Three speed-density functions: FreeFlow (default), Bottleneck (METROPOLIS1 legacy), ThreeRegimes

Speed-Density Functions: Three Regimes

\[ \text{speed}(\text{density}) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \text{ff\_speed} & \text{if density} < \text{min\_density} \\ \text{jam\_speed} & \text{if density} > \text{jam\_density} \\ \text{ff\_speed} \times (1 - \alpha) + \text{jam\_speed} \times \alpha & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array}\right. \] \[ \alpha = \left( \frac{\text{density} - \text{min\_density}}{\text{jam\_density} - \text{min\_density}} \right)^\beta \] \(\beta = 1\): linear; \(\beta < 1\): convex; \(\beta > 1\): concave


  • If spillback is enabled, vehicles can enter an edge only if there some room left on the edge ($\Leftrightarrow$ density < 1)
  • If the edge ahead is full, the vehicle is remaining in the exit bottleneck queue of the current edge, in a "pending state"
  • When a vehicle exits an edge, the space taken by this vehicle propagates backward at a given speed (backward wave propagation)
  • Time at which the space of an outgoing vehicle is made available for the incoming vehicles: \[ \text{exit\_time} + \frac{\text{length}}{\text{backward\_wave\_speed}} \]


  • When spillback is enabled, the road network can reach a state where some vehicles are permanently stuck
  • The maximum pending duration defines the maximum amount of time a vehicle can be in a pending state
  • After the maximum pending duration elapses, pending vehicles are forced onto the next edge

Full Process

Overtaking = TRUE
Overtaking = FALSE

Edges Input File


  • The simulator represents the road network as a directed graph of nodes (= intersections) and edges (= links)
  • METROPOLIS2 takes as input a list of edges

Minimal Example

  • edge_id: Identifier of the edge (positive integer, unique)
  • source: Identifier of the source node (positive integer)
  • target: Identifier of the target node (positive integer)
  • speed: Free-flow speed on the edge (m/s)
  • length: Length of the edge (m)


  • bottleneck_flow: Maximum inflow and outflow of the edge (PCE/s)
  • When the variable is omitted, the inflow and outflow are not limited

Bottleneck Overtaking

  • overtaking: If `True`, vehicles can overtake other vehicles in the bottleneck queues if they are going to different edges
  • Default value is `True`

Number of Lanes

  • lanes: number of lanes available to vehicles on the edge (in the current direction)
  • If omitted, the number of lanes is set to 1
  • Non-integer values can be used

Speed-Density Functions

  • With speed_density.type = "FreeFlow" (or when omitting the variable, the speed on the link is always equal to the free-flow speed
  • With speed_density.type = "ThreeRegimes", the "Three Regimes" speed-density function is used and the following parameters need to be set: speed_density.min_density, speed_density.jam_density, speed_density.jam_speed and speed_density.beta
\[ \text{speed}(\text{density}) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \text{ff\_speed} & \text{if density} < \text{min\_density} \\ \text{jam\_speed} & \text{if density} > \text{jam\_density} \\ \text{ff\_speed} \times (1 - \alpha) + \text{jam\_speed} \times \alpha & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array}\right. \] \[ \alpha = \left( \frac{\text{density} - \text{min\_density}}{\text{jam\_density} - \text{min\_density}} \right)^\beta \]

Travel Time Penalty

  • constant_travel_time: time penalty that is added to the edge's travel time, in seconds
  • Travel-time on the edge is (excluding the waiting times): \[ \text{constant\_travel\_time} + \frac{\text{length}}{\text{speed}(\text{density})} \]
  • This penalty can represent delays which happen even under free-flow conditions (e.g., waiting at traffic lights, stopping at a stop sign)
  • The default value is zero

Parallel Edges

  • The METROPOLIS2 Routing algorithm cannot handle edges with the same source and target (parallel edges)
  • Possible workaround if required:


For additional details, go to the documentation

Vehicle Types Input File

Minimal Example

  • vehicle_id: Identifier of the vehicle (positive integer, unique)
  • headway: Head-to-head length between two vehicles (m, used to compute edge's density)

Passenger-Car Equivalent

  • pce: Passenger-car equivalent for the vehicle (non-negative number)
  • Used to compute the closing time of bottlenecks
  • Default value is 1

Speed Function

  • The "Multiplicator" speed function type can be used to increase / decrease the speed of vehicles by a multiplicative coefficient
  • The "Piecewise" speed function type can be used to specify speed limits (e.g., vehicles limited to 90 km/h)
  • Warning: lists are only supported for the Parquet format so the "Piecewise" type does not work for CSV

Road Restrictions

  • Cars are allowed on all edges
  • Motorcycles are only allowed on edges 1 and 2
  • Trucks are allowed on all edges but edges 3 and 4
  • Warning: lists are only supported for the Parquet format so the road restrictions do not work for CSV

Road-Network Parameters

Parameters JSON Input File

  • The parameters JSON input file contains configuration values for the simulation (e.g., path to the input files, simulated period, learning model)
  • A part of the file is dedicated to road-network parameters
  • The remaining parts will be covered during the next sessions

								"road_network": {
									"recording_interval": 300.0,
									"approximation_bound": 1.0,
									"spillback": true,
									"backward_wave_speed": 4.0,
									"max_pending_duration": 60.0,
									"constrain_inflow": true,
									"algorithm_type": "Best",

Travel-Time Function Parameters

  • recording_interval: time, in seconds, between two breakpoints in the edge-level travel-time functions (Mandatory; Recommendation: 5, 10 or 15 minutes for large-scale networks)
  • approximation_bound: for a given travel-time function, if the difference between the maximum and the minimum travel time is smaller than this value, the function is represented as a constant function for optimization (Default: 0; Recommendation: between 0 and 5 seconds)

								"road_network": {
									"recording_interval": 300.0,
									"approximation_bound": 1.0,
									"spillback": true,
									"backward_wave_speed": 4.0,
									"max_pending_duration": 60.0,
									"constrain_inflow": true,
									"algorithm_type": "Best",

Spillback Parameters

  • spillback: whether spillback congestion (queue propagation) is enabled (Default: TRUE; Recommendation: TRUE for more realistic congestion modeling)
  • backward_wave_speed: speed at which the space taken by vehicles propagates backward upon exit (Default: instantaneous propagation; Recommendation: default or 15 km/h = 4.17 m/s)
  • max_pending_duration: maximum amount of time a vehicle can stay in a pending state (Mandatory; Recommendation: between 30s and 5m, larger values are more realistic but generate more congestion)

								"road_network": {
									"recording_interval": 300.0,
									"approximation_bound": 1.0,
									"spillback": true,
									"backward_wave_speed": 4.0,
									"max_pending_duration": 60.0,
									"constrain_inflow": true,
									"algorithm_type": "Best",

Other Parameters

  • constrain_inflow: whether bottlenecks limit vehicle inflow in addition to vehicle outflow (Default: TRUE; Recommendation: TRUE, set to FALSE to replicate MATSim behavior)
  • algorithm_type: routing algorithm to use for profile queries, "Best", "TCH", or "Intersect" (Default: "Best"; Recommendation: "Intersect" for a smaller running time, "TCH" for a smaller memory consumption)

								"road_network": {
									"recording_interval": 300.0,
									"approximation_bound": 1.0,
									"spillback": true,
									"backward_wave_speed": 4.0,
									"max_pending_duration": 60.0,
									"constrain_inflow": true,
									"algorithm_type": "Best",



  • METROPOLIS2 relies on time-dependent Contraction Hierarchies algorithms
  • Pre-processing phase: nodes are "contracted" from least "important" to most "important"; contracting a node entail removing it and the adjacent edges, while creating shortcut edges to maintain fastest paths
  • Two types of queries:
    • Earliest-arrival query: Retrieve the earliest arrival time (= the minimum travel time) and the corresponding path, for a given origin-destination pair and departure time from origin
    • Profile query: Retrieve the travel-time function, for a given origin-destination pair (minimum travel time for all possible departure times)

Query Types

Earliest-arrival query
  • Input: Origin (Cergy); Destination (Saint-Denis); Departure-time (8 a.m.)
  • Output: Arrival time: 9:10 a.m.
Profile query
  • Input: Origin (Cergy); Destination (Saint-Denis)
  • Output:

Using Routing Algorithms

  • The routing algorithms of METROPOLIS2 can be used independently from the simulator: "Run routing" button on the GUI version or "routing_cli" executable on the CLI version
  • Four input files:
    • Parameters (JSON)
    • Queries (CSV or Parquet)
    • Edges (CSV or Parquet)
    • [Optional] Edges' travel-time functions (CSV or Parquet)
  • Three output files:
    • Earliest-arrival query results (CSV or Parquet)
    • Profile query results (CSV or Parquet)
    • Running times (JSON)

Edges Input File

  • Similar format than the Edges input file of METROPOLIS2
  • Column travel_time: constant travel time on the edge

Edges' TTF Input File

  • Specify for some edges the travel-time function to be used instead of the constant travel time
  • The travel-time function is given as a list of breakpoints (departure time, travel time)
  • Format very similar to METROPOLIS2's output file for road-network conditions

Queries Input File

  • query_id: Identifier of the query (used in the results)
  • origin: Identifier of the origin node
  • destination: Identifier of the destination node
  • departure_time: Departure time from origin
  • If departure time is omitted: profile query; otherwise: earliest-arrival query

Routing Parameters JSON File

							"input_files": {
								"queries": "queries.csv",
								"edges": "edges.csv",
								"edge_ttfs": "edge_ttfs.csv"
							"output_directory": "output",
							"saving_format": "CSV"
							"algorithm": "TCH",
							"output_route": true,
							"nb_threads": 8,
  • input_files: Path to the three input files (absolute or relative to the "parameters.json" file)
  • output_directory: Path to the output directory (absolute or relative to the "parameters.json" file)
  • saving_format: "CSV" or "Parquet"
  • algorithm: "Best", "TCH", "Intersect", or "Dijkstra"
  • output_route: Whether to compute and return the fastest paths (only for earliest-arrival queries, incompatible with "Intersect")
  • nb_threads: Number of threads to use when running (Default is to use the maximum available)

Earliest-Arrival Queries Results

  • File ea_results.csv (or .parquet):
  • Input graph:
  • Input files:

Profile Queries Results

  • File profile_results.csv (or .parquet):
  • Input graph:
  • Input files:

Beyond Earliest Arrivals

  • When all the edges' travel-time functions are constant, the time-dependent routing algorithm is equivalent to a static routing algorithm
  • The travel_time values can be set to something else (e.g., edge's length) and the algorithm will minimize with respect to this metric
  • To compute the length of the shortest path, set the values to the edges' length and run earliest-arrival queries with a departure time of 0

OpenStreetMap Import

Task for Next Session

Session 2 Task

  1. Create input edges and vehicle-types files (toy network or large-scale network with OpenStreetMap import)
  2. Run the routing algorithm on your road-network (e.g., retrieve shortest path distances for a set of origin-destination pairs)