

METROPOLIS (first of the name) was a C++ transport simulator developed by André de Palma, Fabrice Marchal and Yurii Nesterov from 1996 to 2005. This simulator has been used by several researches worldwide between 1997 and 2000, e.g.,

In 2020, André de Palma and Lucas Javaudin started working on a new version of METROPOLIS. They decided to start from scratch in order to benefit from the improvements in technologies of the last decades and to easily implement new modeling ideas (the 20-year old C++ source code was getting difficult to maintain). This new version came to be known as METROPOLIS2. The development of METROPOLIS2 was done in Rust, with the initial version 0.1.0 released in December 2022 and the first official release 1.0.0 in March 2024.


André de Palma

André de Palma is a researcher in economics at THEMA, CY Cergy Paris Université, France.

He has a PhD in physics and a PhD in economics. He introduced and developed dynamic models in transportation.

He is a founding member of ITEA (International Transportation Economics Association) and the founding president of AICC (Action Inaction and Climate Change).

Lucas Javaudin

Lucas Javaudin started a PhD in economics in 2020 at THEMA, CY Cergy Paris Université, France.

He graduated in economics and data science at ENS Paris-Saclay and ENSAE. He is specialized in transport microsimulations.